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Lygtemænd – Will of the wisp
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TDOTA Thinking day on the air and various events on the net
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About us
KFUM-Spejderne i Danmark KFUM-Spejderne i Danmark (YMCA-Scouts in Denmark) is a youth organization based on the fundamental principles of scouting. We have more than 27.000 members and are a part of the worldwide Scouting Movement, with 28 million Scouts in 160 countries. We “move the world” with more than 400 local groups, and through national…
Accordions Åbner og lukker. Med mere indhold via “rich text” og en faktaboks. Mindre indhold med billede, tekst, og knap. Overskrift Intro Overskrift 2 Tekstafsnit Overskrift 3 Mere tekst Overskrift 2 Teskstafsnit Overskrift 3 Tekst med link der bliver understreget. Førstehjælp KFUM-Spejderne i Danmark er af den overbevisning, at det er vigtigt, at spejderledere er…
2022/2023 Scout Scoop
Are you looking for an amazing way to celebrate New Years Eve? Together with a whole new group of people, and soon to be friends? With scouts from all over the world? Age between 15 and 18 – then you’re in luck!